What is BAMA?

BAMA is a free service in Mt Albert for beneficiaries, superannuitants and low income persons and their families who need expert and independent help, information and advocacy support. The service is open for 10 hours a week and is based in Mt Albert. We can provide some support directly by email or phone but we can see people only BY APPOINTMENT, so please leave a message for BAMA by phone or email, and the Advocate will arrange an appointment time. PHONE: 908 9030 EMAIL: advocate@bama.org.nz or using our contact form.


What can BAMA do for you?

  • ❖ Assess the financial assistance you would be eligible for from Work & Income NZ (WINZ), if you are not yet a beneficiary.
  • ❖ Clarify for you how your benefit is made up.
  • ❖ Check that you are receiving all the assistance you are eligible for.
  • ❖ Accompany you to a WINZ appointment if you feel you would like the support of an independent advocate.
  • ❖ Assist you with filling in your WINZ Application or Review of Decision form


Your BAMA Appointment

If you feel able to do so, before your BAMA appointment, phone WINZ and ask for a breakdown of your benefit (if you are a current beneficiary). Their call centre number is 0800 559 009. Bring this and any other relevant documents with you to your appointment. You’re very welcome to bring a support person with you. All contact with our service is confidential.